Julie A. Fragoules

Welcome to My Mind

My name is Julie A. Fragoules and I am an author of both fiction and non-fiction books. The Serpent Underneath is available now from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book sellers. Tyranny of the Mind is coming soon! Nobler in the Mind will be reissued at a date to be determined. Stay tuned for availability!

The Serpent Underneath

Twenty years after the American collapse, a new government offers safety in return for compliance. Taken from the outskirts as a youth, Haven will risk everything to save those closest to her from an elite leadership intent on their elimination. Her pack leader, Adrien, hides a dark intellect behind a mask of conformity, manipulating people and circumstances towards his own subversive ends. Drawn from today’s most contentious social and political conflicts, this modern dystopian thriller plays American philosophy against its greatest adversaries in a terrifying vision of a future it may be too late to avoid.

Publication Date: 2023
Publisher: Xaos Publishing
Genre: Science Fiction - Dystopian
ISBN: 978-0998740331

The Serpent Underneath.com

Tyranny of the Mind

The Fight for Self-Rule

Tyranny of the Mind is the result of a deep dive into the extensive writings of our nation's founders, revealing an ongoing battle between the ambitions of tyranny and the thirst for liberty, as the few with power apply religion and ideology to enforce collective submission and devalue the individual. Along the way, unexpected parallels arose between the Roman Catholic Church of historical Europe and certain modern-day politicians and media figures on the left, each presuming the common person incapable of thinking for themselves and making the "correct" decisions without the guidance of more knowledgeable, morally superior leaders. From a perhaps unlikely perspective, Tyranny presents our founders and other historical figures in their own words, in context, exposing their true intent about religion and government, their fight against the forces of tyranny and for the ideals that altered the world and continue to shape the political landscape today.

Publication Date: TBD
Publisher: Xaos Publishing
Genre: Non-Fiction


Nobler in the Mind

Nobler in the Mind is a gripping tale of Kelly McKinnon's perilous investigation into the truth surrounding her university's notorious former professor, Dr. Nathaniel Kauai. She uncovers a story of theft and murder that threatens to consume her and take her loved ones down with her, leading to shocking revelations and leaving her questioning her own sanity. After Kauai's escape from death row, the danger intensifies and Kelly must make a life-altering decision that may leave blood on her hands.

Publication Date: 1995
Publisher: Northwest Publishing
Reissued Date: TBD
Genre: Thriller
ISBN: 0761000429

Nobler in the Mind.com


Julie Fragoules is an experienced professional who has devoted her career to disaster management and mitigation. She spent two decades working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, rising to the position of Community Education and Outreach Task Force Leader in the Hazard Mitigation Branch. Prior to this, she worked as a reporter and newscaster for KTLO AM, KTLO FM, and Oldies 101.7 radio stations in Mountain Home, Arkansas, where she won Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalism awards. Julie holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Central Arkansas and is a passionate advocate for preparedness, liberty and personal responsibility. Beyond her professional life, Julie enjoys kayaking and sailing. She and her family have built numerous log homes near the White River in the Ozark Mountains of North Central Arkansas. Find her online at www.juliefragoules.com.



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